Clarity in thoughts brings clarity in vision

We often do not observe our thoughts. Thousand of thoughts move in our mind daily and it comprises of ideas, solutions, illusion, doubts, problems etc. Due to movable and invisible in nature, we do not pay much attention towards it and find it difficult to hold one particular thought.

Thoughts are of different nature. Some of them are of daily routine which has no meaning and a part of our daily habits whereas few are of overthinking nature which also has no meaning because they are just overloaded thoughts over one event and situation. Once this situation over, thoughts disappear such as future worries and past memories.

There are such thoughts as well which we keep on thinking when we associate with the material attachment and think about it. After getting that particular thing, we stick to another thing and thus keep on weaving our thoughts around us.

Among all types of thoughts, there are few important thoughts as ideas and solutions that does not appear in front due to overloaded thoughts.

“Thoughts are invisible and movable images & information of our mind”


“Thoughts are the waves in an ocean of desires” – SSL

Indiscipline and unskilled mindset generates thousands of non productive thoughts that unnecessarily increase burden and leads to illusion and stressful life. It blurs our goal and confuses to choose the right decision at right time.

By discipline and skilled mindset we can rewire our brain to produce productive thoughts for a desired goal. Clarity in our thoughts brings the clarity in our goal that leads to the success.

Source of Thoughts

  1. Fear of failure or loss
  2. Feeling of Insecurity to lose
  3. Fear of death
  4. Fear of aging
  5. Fear of expose
  6. Lack of confidence
  7. Unable to express own thoughts due to physical, mental and emotional weakness
  8. Family security
  9. Money security
  10. So on

Control of Thought

Thoughts are can controlled by discipline and learning skill to control it

  1. Note down your thoughts daily
  2. Morning mediation
  3. Living at present
  4. Start living with natural things
  5. Choose your big goal for whole life
  6. Motivate yourself
  7. Positive attitude
  8. Love and compassion for others
  9. Doing action rather than thinking much
  10. So on
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