
Supreme Source of Life (SSL)

At Supreme Source of Life, we believe in the inherent power that resides within each and every one of us. It’s a force we call the “Supreme Source of Life,” and it’s the life essence that makes us who we are. While each of us may have different paths and experiences, there are commonalities that bind us together.

Supreme Source of Life is a source of infinitive information that publish through Books, Article, Motivational quotes, inspirational stories and spiritual contents via social platform.


One THOUGHT can change the entire Map. One ACTION can lead on separate path. One EMOTION is enough to motivate and guide us. When these three routes join together for one goal, we lead towards the infinite.


One THOUGHT can change the entire world. 

One IDEA can bring revolution. 

One DECESION can achieve success

One STEP can transform entire life

One HABIT can change all bad habits

One PERSON can influence the humanity

One Supreme Source can resolve and satisfy all our problems.

Every individual is born with unique qualities and boundless potential within themselves. However, many people seek external sources for satisfaction, often due to ignorance and a lack of awareness about their inner potential and the supreme source of their existence.

In today’s world, humanity has made incredible scientific and technological advancements, akin to the outer growth of a tree. Yet, in the process, we’ve often overlooked our spiritual values—the path that connects us to the supreme source. Throughout history, numerous saints, monks, and remarkable individuals have described their experiences of this connectivity through various forms of communication, such as poetry, literature, scriptures, music, dance, and art.

Just as the roots of a tree, hidden beneath the surface, are crucial to its strength and growth, the spiritual world, though invisible, is equally vital. It cannot be perceived by the same senses that perceive the outer world. Here, introspection becomes the eye, attention transforms into the mind, wisdom takes the form of memory, creativity manifests as speech, silence serves as our ears, experience is the feeling, and enjoyment is the taste of the supreme source of origination.

At Supreme Source of Life, we are dedicated to sharing motivational and inspirational content that helps you tap into your inner potential. Our content includes quotes, articles, videos, books, and more. We strive to reach you through various social media platforms such as our blog, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Instagram, and more.

Our mission is to empower you to discover and embrace the supreme source of life within yourself. Join us on this transformative journey, as we explore the boundless possibilities of your inner strength and potential. Together, we can reconnect with our spiritual roots and rediscover the true essence of life.

Thank you for being a part of Supreme Source of Life, where inspiration and motivation are just a click away.

Supreme Source of Life publishes motivational and inspiration content such a quote, articles, videos, books etc.  through various social media platforms like Blog, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Instagram etc.

Let us JOIN together, GROW together and SHARE together.


We cannot grow until you support us with your comment, your suggestions, your feedback and your complaints. You are requested to share this valuable information to amass so as to reach everyone as much as possible. Your free service by extracting your time can bless you by benefitting others through sharing infinitive information.


This platform does not condemn and affirm any specific content regarding religion, caste and any controversial facts. It is free and open for all. It does not assert any one religion etc. but invite all participants to join for eternal path of spirituality through our platform Supreme Source of Life which publish informative content via various social platform.

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