Supreme Source of Life

Vision: The Supreme Source of life is a origin of infinitive power within us which provides supreme information for life. Purpose: The purpose of supreme source of life is to provide valuable information under the one name in different-different forms such as books platform, blogging platform, Personal level. Work: It covers the entire areas of … Read more

Transformation – The process of life

Human needs transformation. It is Human’s nature. We cannot stay fix because lacs of micro changes are happening even when we think we don’t do anything. Transformation is too minute that it seems no changes at our conscious level. It requires change to grow. Likewise our earth, our body system has been occurring millions of micro changes in our nervous system, digestion system, endocrine system, beliefs system (read humans 21 system). In order to change outward behaviour and action, we need to transform inward changes and need to understand the internal engineering of the human body. Modern Science and technology are still in the circumference of the supreme Source and cannot be attained with that. It cannot be denied that it can be used up to maximization for its better use for human understanding.

What is transformation ? This is a series of microchanges but we are able to see the big changes. For example, our earth faces micro earthquake round the year but it attracts the most when it explodes in big scale as disaster. Transformation is a simple to understand, easy to use and easily available. Transformation is a process in which some are retained as before whereas few are dropped and few new are adopted.

We have to work on these three process. To make things visible to understand, analyse and use , we should need to rearrange our schedule for big changes or big bang. To make this visual, note down every and every detail about you (sample checklist is enclosed for you). Try to note your thoughts, try to track the path of thinking, observe the experience of Action and reaction. Join and concludes it as one big schedule comprises of multiple microhabits, microprocessor, micro indicator. This does not mean you have to keep busy in mental world. You need to focus on major areas of manuals.

Transformation is not a one day results but comprises of one thought, one emotion and one action in right direction in right time and in right place. There is no time, place and direction for wise people because they know the human Engineering well.

Similarly, We need a big explode like big bang to transform our life. It means we have to change our multiple habits, manage our thoughts, change our beliefs, energy level, rituals of day. When it explodes on multiple sites, will cause a big bang or a big transportation. To join this path of transformation, we need to comply with the standards of the human Manual.

Transformation is natural and stepwise process and there is no skipping and speeding up options. Each unit of transformation is measured as per milliseconds. By adopting one good habit (thought + Emotion + Action) in right direction can change millions of microchanges at one time.

To get effective results, includes following rules in your schedule.

  1. Review yourself weekly
  2. Observe your mental, physical and emotional responses
  3. Track your thoughts link
  4. Find your root goal and associate goals
  5. Drop your unwanted habits
  6. Retain your good habits
  7. Adopt new habits
  8. Habits cannot be finished but replaced

Journey of Life

Each person has his own journey what he starts when he takes birth in this physical world. He weaves his world as spider in forms of experiences what he gains in four human dimensions – Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual. He gains new experience daily and out of which few experiences disappear from the memory or should say shift to the unconscious level whereas few experiences store in his memories which gets faded as the time passes.

Each person has a timeline what we call as ‘LIFE’. In this timeframe, we experience different shades of life according to our indulgence and attraction towards the energy. We store the experiences what we gain with great difficulty, what has the vital role in our life, what has affected us badly. We also remember the good things that transform our energies and identity.

This human life is presented in seconds 00:00:00:00:00:00 in this format YY/MM/DD/HH/MM/SS. Each live each second at present only. Present in our life is a moment of second we are spending with specific energy that is recording our experience in their own format. Before each second (at present) everything is in future (indefinite seconds) which is going to become a second at present. Future is a set of unpublished seconds of life whereas past is a set of spent seconds of life in form of events, experiences, achievement etc. either positively or negatively.

Past is accumulated experiences of life which is formed through a complex system of Energy. Energy is the source of life and without knowing its nature and effects, we cannot understand our life better.

|| Quest & Query ||

Q1: What do you know ?

We know about the world by our sense, perception and experience. When we took birth we were unware of the world. As we come into contact with the physical world (type and field of energy), we started storing information about the world. First experience and information we get from our parents and family. Until our self conscious was developed, our world was for parent and family. As our experience grow through senses, our world gets expanded by our curiosity working as search engine.

Whatever we know is a stayed in form of quest and query. Deeper the quest, higher the query. We started our journey to know about world by ignorance (dark world) in ocean of invisible desires. We learnt about the self and world by the following ways

  1. Learning from parents and family
  2. Growing as per our indulgence which was developed by most influencing people
  3. Knowing through our society or surrounding
  4. Knowing through our religion
  5. Knowing through our own perception
  6. Knowing through books as per our interest
  7. Knowing through past experience
  8. Knowing through beliefs and habits and so on…

All above methods are not real one. Each person has own experience and perception towards the world. So we started our journey to know the world by ignorance and after knowing as per own perception and experience we spread the light of knowledge we gathered through ignorance. Ocean of ignorance is infinitive whatever we think, we believe, the same we feel and the same we act.

We all are in illusion of ignorance. This ignorance can be removed truly by connection to the supreme source of energy or supreme source of creation – the origin of infinity.

Spirituality – An eternal path for infinity

Supreme Source of Life emphasis on the connectivity between us and the supreme source of energy. We all have energy in various forms that has own frequency and Vibes. We all have a certain combination of energy as our identity and reflect our character by our energy we use in thinking, feeling and acting. Each atom has its own property and each property has a specific frequency of energy. We have progressed too much outwardly in search of satisfaction but still not solved.

The reason was that we didn’t work for inner world as hard as we did for outer world as per our comfort.

We all are connected with the one source what we call as Supreme Source of energy and the reflection of which is a supreme Source of Life within us. We are unsatisfied because of our loose connection with the supreme Source due to which we face problem. When we disconnect from the supreme Source we entangle in complexity of energy coming from the supreme energy and thus falls on imbalance and suffer problems. When we connect ourselves to the origin of Infinity -the supreme source of energy, we again start living in eternal joy and wants to stay for long.

We cannot enjoy the life until we are connected to the supreme source of energy. Supreme Source of Life lies within us as origin of Infinity when this source of energy connect with the supreme energy it gives miraculous changes and experience in our life.

Root of all problems- the root is disconnection with the supreme source. When we really awake our source of energy ie. Origin of Infinity, it automatically connect us to the supreme energy. We all are born with the supreme energy within us that works naturally, universally and divinity. When we fail to connect with their balance, we become our of harmony and thus suffer problems in our life.

We all are human and are born on same principle and functions as same as others. When we achieve harmony among energy within us with the energy surrounding us we enjoy the life entirely different. We experience completely different on same condition and position we were previously.
This energy is natural, universal and divine. Each energy has its own frequency, vibration, and power.

Supreme Source of Life publish eternal content which connects us to the source.
Energy has unique coding (called vibration) with specific frequency of energy.

How can we connect to the supreme source? – we can connect with the source by adopting original form of energy and dropping false and artificial energy.

Each type of energy gives its own frequency and vibration, For example, water (natural energy) has its own proportion within the body and it’s availability around us. Inadequate portion of water within us creates problem and affects the other energy. Over emphasized of one energy leads imbalance in others and creates problems as well.
For example, for a beautiful music, we should have proper instrument having properly formed (sitar with its own property) to create melody to have harmony with others instrument to make a beautiful music for a song.

Do you enjoy really?

For everyone, enjoyment has different meaning according to the purpose they have. Enjoy is a present state of the mind where you stay in now and experience the moment of now.
For a alcoholic person, it gives enjoy as it shifts mind at the present by defocusing the thoughts of past and future.
A saint enjoys the life by peace of mind through meditation where he stays satisfied.
An egoist person enjoys his egoistical pleasure by dominating others and pampering his ego by others.
Similarly, a scientist enjoys his invention, a doctor enjoys his treatment. A greedy enjoys the money. A traveler enjoys the new places. A aesthetic person enjoys the beauty and creativity.

How do you cleanse yourself?

We all have energy and these energies attracts towards each other and sometimes catching unwanted habits, thoughts, emotions and get indulge in wrong acts knowingly or unknowingly. In other terms they are called negativity that inhabits our path of ascent. Sometimes people grow rich too fast but lack in other parts (read more on wealth … Read more

Spirituality : Vision as Imagination

Spirituality has infinitive journey where infinite experience occurred. Imagination is a third eye through which we can anticipate or visualize our past and future for our well-being. By this power of third eye, great saints, scientist, philosopher envisaged the future of the human by their spiritual power and forecasted the human life in their own words according to their capacity and reach towards the path of infinity.

Imagination is our one of the inbuilt system we get by birth through which we can planning, anticipating, set our future goal. Imagination is the third eye to see the invisible world. Imagination created the invention, curiosity, desire to evolve etc. Imagination is a key to see the invisible world of spirituality. Imagination is a third eye of the spirituality

“Imagination is a third eye of the spirituality to see the invisible world”


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Source of Energy

Energy from Food

We have different source of energy and one of them is food. The food we take creates energy that help us to maintain physical side of the body. Healthy diet and balance diet is one of the source of energy. Energy keeps us active and positive whereas lack of energy makes us lethargic and weak that attracts negative.

Selection of food is very important to get maximum energy. We should include all vegetable and food grains in our diet plan. It gives you energy to work actively whole day.

Energy from Sleep

Another form of energy is Sleep. In our sleeping stage, we restore our energy by pacifying our body organ. They work well in relaxed and silent position. Proper sleep restores energies and keep us active and fresh. 6-8 hours sleep is must for everyone. Too much sleeping or too less sleeping can spoil the health of the body that leads to mental and emotional problem as our whole body is a natural house where all organs work.

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