

What is Supreme Source of Life ?

Supreme Source of Life (SSL) is an eternal path towards the infinity that meets with supreme source of power who creates, nurtures, governs, protects, and develops us to the higher stage of human. Each and every entity is a part and parcel of the supreme source of energy.

Each individual has own subtle body system that drive our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual domain, and accordingly we experience different shades of life. Our subtle body system responds and functions on law of supreme source. Supreme source can be known by different name by different people. To unify and understand the connectivity between us and supreme Source, we have to understand the origin of supreme source. Supreme Source of life cannot be bound with any cast, region, religion, nationality, partiality.

What is Supreme Source of Energy ?

Supreme Source of Energy is a source of infinitive powers. The reflection of supreme energy lies in various form within us (internal world) and manifests in millions ways outside (external world). Our subtle body (Inner Engineering) works on supreme source through which we keep connected with the supreme authority.

How does this supreme energy work?

Natural law and Universal law is a supreme law or Divine law. Divine law connects to each and every atom through modification and interaction with Natural Law and Universal Law. Supreme Energy (GOD- Source of supreme power/energy). Each atom is connected with the supreme source of energy. Similarly, We are also connected connected to the supreme source of energy by law of nature, law of universe and law of divine. We have a source of energy within us. This energy has specific properties and protocols within us and work under law of nature, law of universe and law of divine. It interacts with others according to its properties and protocols.

Human is a symbolical reflection of supreme source who possesses the supreme energy within oneself and interacts with these three laws – Natural law, Universal law and Divine law.

Subtle Body System

Subtle body system is a inner body system which has seven centers of energy within us. Human has three bodies – Physical body, Subtle body and Casual body.

In this subtle body, we have three categories of seven energy centers which is also called the Chakra (rotating energy center)

  1. First five centers (down to up) are elementary centers ( Area of Law of Nature)
  2. Sixth center is for law of universe
  3. Seventh center is for law of divine

Natural Law

We look, act, behave different from outside, but we are same (Inner human engineering) from inside. We all are bound with the law of nature.

Natural law defines the five great elements and its interaction with each atom. Human is made of five great elements and thus follow the law the nature. When we understand and behave as per the law of nature, we grow, cure, and achieve harmony with nature. But when we do not follow (does not achieve balance among five elements) the law of nature, we invite uncalled diseases and problems. These five great elements are described below:

  1. Sky (Ether) Element   
  2. Air Element
  3. Fire Element
  4. Water Element
  5. Earth Element

The above five elements have a specific proportion within us to smother function of the body. It has its own property and protocols that controls each human.

Universal Law

Universal law abides the universal position of each atom and its results with each other with time, location, situation. It uphold the universal structure and its planets occurrence. At human level, Universal Law has different level of consciousness.

  1. Consciousness
  2. Subconsciousness
  3. Supra Consciousness
  4. Unconsciousness
  5. Super Consciousness

Divine Law

Divine law govern and balance the connectivity between law of nature and law of universe. All three powers together are called supreme source of power/energy or supreme authority (GOD). 

For more information in details, read a book “Supreme Source of Energy”


Since birth we are searching for happiness in foods, money, power, position for which we make endeavours but still do not get the ultimate happiness. When we desire for one thing and once we get the desired thing, we incline to the another thing for happiness and thus our thirst for happiness do not end till the breath. It means that we are searching for something else which we do not get in money, power, position, foods, lust etc.

This blog has three sections

  1. Lost Questionnaire – It highlights the list of Questions arranged/classified the question as per our interest. It illuminates the human FAQ generally evolves in human mind and search in their life. Sometimes, one question or one answer change our entire view of the life in the matte, problems, confusion.
  2. Life Rules – It contains 1000 rules compiled on various subjects and fields of human indulgence. It covers major areas of human interaction with social, personal, Political, Aesthetical, Philosophical, Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Emotional, Ethical, Moral, Art and Dance, Business, etc.
    This section contains the basic and common rules which needs to be applied in one’s life which are the golden rules that must be followed.
  3. Motivational and Inspirational Contents – This section includes the number of informative and valuable contents like article, blog, note, so on via various social media platforms. It has been compiled from the world great saints, people and religion etc.
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