Source of Energy

Energy from Food

We have different source of energy and one of them is food. The food we take creates energy that help us to maintain physical side of the body. Healthy diet and balance diet is one of the source of energy. Energy keeps us active and positive whereas lack of energy makes us lethargic and weak that attracts negative.

Selection of food is very important to get maximum energy. We should include all vegetable and food grains in our diet plan. It gives you energy to work actively whole day.

Energy from Sleep

Another form of energy is Sleep. In our sleeping stage, we restore our energy by pacifying our body organ. They work well in relaxed and silent position. Proper sleep restores energies and keep us active and fresh. 6-8 hours sleep is must for everyone. Too much sleeping or too less sleeping can spoil the health of the body that leads to mental and emotional problem as our whole body is a natural house where all organs work.

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Fashion, Passion and Impression


We all are in a fashion (trend of life) to copy each other without knowing and thinking about it. Human has been a social animal and attracts the surprises. Fashion is a social trend of life which everyone wants to follow.

We need support for fashion when we do not have anything to cover ourselves. Fashion is not bad but to remain in its clutches where it drives your mind is bad because it distracts you from your goal. Fashion is used to make yourself beautiful and updated with the modern culture of life that shows we are running with the society norms and culture.

Fashion is not a true identity but it is a artificial ornament we use in absence of true identity. When we loose our true identity, we take support of such ideology that complies our identity. To some extent it is good to enjoy the social life but too much indulgence where you are not even aware of the real values. Fashion is outward decoration of life which keeps on changing according to time and situations. By indulging in outward shine, we often loose our inner real shine. Seldom people get able to make balance between outer shine and inner shine.

Inner shine is your innate qualities that does not require outward coverage and it stays for longer and longer. A person is known by inner personality not by outward personality. Fashion is a reflection of ego and superego where we identify ourselves as outward attributes.

Sometimes fashion invites tension and confusions as it keeps your mind outwardly and due to the attachment with the material pleasure gaining through fashion, our sense get tempted towards them. Our attention is our key to divert our mind. When we incline outside towards the sense gratification, we entangle in the clutches of false attributes such as fashion.


Fashion becomes passion due to focusing on outward values or avoiding inner core values. Everyone wants to superior to others by covering false attributes. In few case, it becomes passion and their life has no meaning just to live to fulfil their sense gratification. They don’t keep any goals.

They becomes so passionate that they assume it as reality and does not pay attention to core values of life. Advertising and social media is a global platform through which they invite people to share their feeling and to show the enjoyment you are missing.


This is another downside part of the fashion. Fashion creates passion, passion creates impression and impression creates depression. When a person does not find the true satisfaction and enjoyment from the false values of life what he wants, he gets disappointed and take support of addiction and other suicidal activities. He does not able to face himself as true as he is. Impression is a temporary satisfaction given to Mr. Ego.

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Clarity in thoughts brings clarity in vision

We often do not observe our thoughts. Thousand of thoughts move in our mind daily and it comprises of ideas, solutions, illusion, doubts, problems etc. Due to movable and invisible in nature, we do not pay much attention towards it and find it difficult to hold one particular thought. Thoughts are of different nature. Some … Read more

How Do I Know My Interest In Life


Many people search for “How do I know my interest in life”. Every day, we encounter various activities, subjects, and experiences that shape our interests and passions. However, many people find themselves in a state of confusion, unsure of what truly captivates them. They drift through life, trying out different things, often ending up feeling bored, uninterested, and dissatisfied. The key to leading a fulfilling life lies in identifying your interests and skills, aligning your actions with them, and allowing your passion to drive you. Life is a journey filled with opportunities and choices. This blog is a simple guide to finding your interest. In this blog, we will explore practical ways to uncover your interests and leverage them to enhance your life.

The Importance of Self-Discovery

Before delving into the techniques for identifying your interests, it’s crucial to understand why this process is essential. Your interests are a reflection of your authentic self. When you engage in activities you are genuinely passionate about, you feel more alive, fulfilled, and motivated. Discovering your interests can lead to increased productivity, a sense of purpose, and overall satisfaction in life.

Prerequisites for How do I know my interest in life

To embark on the journey of self-discovery, you need to create the right environment and mindset. Here are some prerequisites to get started:

Allocate Dedicated Time

Finding a quiet and undisturbed space for self-discovery is crucial. This means setting aside a specific time in your day when you can focus solely on understanding yourself better. Early morning is recommended because it’s a time when the world is still asleep, and there are fewer distractions. The calm and peaceful atmosphere of the early hours provides an ideal environment for introspection. By allocating dedicated time, you show a commitment to the process of self-discovery.

Comfortable Seating

Physical comfort plays a significant role in the effectiveness of your self-discovery session. When you’re comfortable, your mind is less likely to wander due to discomfort or restlessness. You want to create an environment that allows you to fully concentrate on your thoughts and feelings. So, choose a comfortable chair or cushion to sit on during your self-reflection time.


Keeping a notebook or journal handy is essential for recording your thoughts, observations, and insights during the self-discovery process. Writing down your reflections can help you gain clarity and organize your thoughts. It also serves as a valuable record of your journey, allowing you to track your progress and revisit your discoveries in the future. Your notebook becomes a personal repository of insights and a tool for self-improvement.

Positive Attitude

Approaching the journey of self-discovery with a positive and open-minded attitude is paramount. This means being receptive to exploring different facets of your personality and interests without self-criticism or judgment. It’s about embracing your strengths and weaknesses alike and understanding that self-discovery is a continuous process. A positive attitude will make the journey more enjoyable and productive.

5 Steps for How do I know my interest in life

1. Identify What Never Bores You

Think about the activities, topics, or hobbies that never bore you. These are the things you could engage in for hours without losing interest. Whether it’s painting, reading about a particular subject, playing a musical instrument, or solving complex puzzles, these activities hold the key to your interests.

2. Pinpoint What You Never Want to Miss

Consider the events, opportunities, or experiences you never want to miss out on. Is there a particular type of event, social gathering, or even a specific book release that always excites you? These are clues to your interests and passions.

3. Reflect on What You Truly Enjoy

Take a moment to reflect on the things that bring you genuine joy and satisfaction. These could be small, everyday activities like cooking a special meal, going for a hike, or engaging in a creative project. Your true interests often lie in the activities that make you feel most alive.

4. Notice What Doesn’t Bind You to Timeframes

Think about the activities that you can immerse yourself in without feeling constrained by time. These are the pursuits that allow you to lose track of hours because you are so engrossed in what you’re doing. Your interests often transcend the boundaries of time and space.

5. Consider What You Have a Lot to Say About

Your interests are closely tied to the topics or subjects about which you have a lot to say. Pay attention to the conversations where you find yourself passionately discussing a particular subject, sharing insights, and engaging deeply. This indicates an area of keen interest.

Understanding Productive and Non-Productive Interests

It’s essential to recognize that your interests can fall into two categories: productive and non-productive. Identifying your interests allows you to channel your energy and focus toward activities that have a meaningful impact on your life.

Productive Interests:

Productive interests refer to those activities, hobbies, or pursuits that align with your goals and contribute positively to various aspects of your life, such as personal growth, career advancement, or skill development. These interests are not only enjoyable but also lead to tangible benefits and improvements in your life. When you identify and prioritize productive interests, you can channel your energy and focus into activities that have a meaningful and lasting impact.

Non-Productive Interests:

On the other hand, non-productive interests are enjoyable activities that may not directly contribute to personal growth or achievement. These interests are valuable in their own right as they provide relaxation, leisure, and enjoyment. However, they may not lead to tangible progress in your career or personal development. It’s important to strike a balance between non-productive interests and productive pursuits to ensure a well-rounded and fulfilling life.

The significance of this distinction lies in making conscious choices about how you allocate your time and energy. By identifying which interests are productive and which are non-productive, you can make informed decisions about how to prioritize your activities. This helps you achieve a balance between personal growth and relaxation, ensuring that you lead a fulfilling life while also working towards your goals.

How to Change your Interest

Some people find that they do not have any interest and still unaware about their interest and skill. The hidden key is your ‘attention’. Our Attention is a laser beam that focus the only part where its beam falls. So it becomes important that where we are focusing and for what purpose we are doing so. By focusing on desired goal (big goal of your life) we can focus the beam where we want.

Attention is a navigator of your mind”– SSL

Imagination is our third eye through which we see the invisible world. Wherever our attention moves, our mental picture forms and it creates our world around which we live. Imagination forms our perspective with the help of other elements such as attention, creativity, thoughts and attitude.

Imagination is an internal picture of your mind”– SSL

Imagination is a blueprint of our desires”– SSL

Creativity creates the world by producing thoughts with which we spend our life. It creates hopes and positive perspective towards life positively and opposite negatively too. It is important where our attention goes as wherever it moves, it works by creation of thoughts either positive or negative.

Creativity is a thought producing machine of your mind”– SSL

Thoughts are the seeds in the land of creativity. The seed we sow, the same we get in creative land and the same we produce in our imaginary world that finally express in our physical world. If you think about the crime, the seeds (thoughts) of crime will produce the ideas in the land of creativity. Imagination will form the blueprint of your crime as per your seeds and finally the same will execute in our physical world in various forms.

Thoughts are the waves in the ocean of desires”– SSL

When all above elements join together, becomes our attitude and then we are known as per our attitude who has a specific emotions, specific thoughts and specific actions that define his attitude.

Attitude is a specific set of emotion, thought and action”– SSL


The journey to discovering your interests is an ongoing process that can lead to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. By taking the time for self-reflection and exploring the activities that truly captivate you, you can uncover your passions and align your actions with them. Remember that your interests can evolve over time, so it’s essential to stay attuned to your inner desires and continue exploring new avenues.

Incorporate your interests into your daily life, whether through hobbies, career choices, or personal goals. Embracing your passions can lead to increased motivation, happiness, and a greater sense of fulfillment. So, start your journey of self-discovery today, and let your interests be the compass that guides you toward a more rewarding and satisfying life.

Comfort is a sweet disease

In our fast-paced world, the pursuit of comfort has become an obsession for many. We all desire comfort, and in our quest for it, we often overlook the impact it has on our health, wealth, and social relationships. It’s easy to fall into the trap of comfort addiction, where our desire for immediate gratification takes … Read more

In which class do you belong to?

Generally, we categorize people by lower class, middle class and upper class with wealth & power. Indeed, the explanation is quite different as we know about it.There are different terms we use to categorize standards of living such as Health, wealth, power and social richness. A person with a lack of any one of four … Read more

Conditional and Unconditional Mind

When a person takes birth, he does not have any thing in mind mind. He keeps accumulating, replacing, upgrading his information as he interacts with the world. New experience forms new conditioned by replacing it with previous one. Our mind is a byproduct of Mr. EGO and Mr. Superego. EgoThis is feeling of doer. It … Read more

Atonement is a purifier

Atonement is purifier of the self. It purifies our ego and superego. When we realize our fault we feel regretful and wants atonement from that sin. It makes balance between ego and superego. Atonement is a silent fire that burns ego and superego by realizing your mistake, misconduct, wrong thought patterns that hurt others and … Read more

The Intelligent mind

We all have an intelligent mind lies within us. We live with different minds inside and different faces outside in our life. A wise people can distinguish them. We, usually, live with our fixed mindset according to which we act and react. This mindset we have developed by our own emotions, physical and mental pattern. … Read more

Emotional Intelligence || Book Summary || Supreme Source of Life – Origin of Infinity Find your Interest