Spirituality : Vision as Imagination

Spirituality has infinitive journey where infinite experience occurred. Imagination is a third eye through which we can anticipate or visualize our past and future for our well-being. By this power of third eye, great saints, scientist, philosopher envisaged the future of the human by their spiritual power and forecasted the human life in their own words according to their capacity and reach towards the path of infinity.

Imagination is our one of the inbuilt system we get by birth through which we can planning, anticipating, set our future goal. Imagination is the third eye to see the invisible world. Imagination created the invention, curiosity, desire to evolve etc. Imagination is a key to see the invisible world of spirituality. Imagination is a third eye of the spirituality

“Imagination is a third eye of the spirituality to see the invisible world”


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Source of Energy

Energy from Food

We have different source of energy and one of them is food. The food we take creates energy that help us to maintain physical side of the body. Healthy diet and balance diet is one of the source of energy. Energy keeps us active and positive whereas lack of energy makes us lethargic and weak that attracts negative.

Selection of food is very important to get maximum energy. We should include all vegetable and food grains in our diet plan. It gives you energy to work actively whole day.

Energy from Sleep

Another form of energy is Sleep. In our sleeping stage, we restore our energy by pacifying our body organ. They work well in relaxed and silent position. Proper sleep restores energies and keep us active and fresh. 6-8 hours sleep is must for everyone. Too much sleeping or too less sleeping can spoil the health of the body that leads to mental and emotional problem as our whole body is a natural house where all organs work.

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Science, Technology and Spirituality

Science and Spirituality are two opposite side of the universal tree i.e. world. Science emphasis on the physical appearance and outer world as a tree appears above the ground whereas Spirituality explains the root of the universal tree. Both are important but the truth is that science still has been searching the end point.

Without science, spirituality can be elaborate its existence like a root that hold the entire tree in itself before appearing in physical world. Without spirituality or root, science cannot be sustained. When there was no word for science, there was spirituality as science. For example, before searching of the value of Pie (22/7) by the science, there was existence of value pie. Similarly, before the search of gravity, there was also gravity. These law were already in its existence since creation. This eternal knowledge was encrypted by spirituality through various scriptures, great saints, prophets, sage, monk etc.

Technology also a part of evolution where upgraded form of science. Actually, all three parts together work for human welfare. In absence of anyone of them, human life cannot be evolved to higher stage. Before Technology, there was science and before science there was Spirituality.

Without spirituality, we cannot reach to the root source of the life.

Supreme Source of Life: Universal Law

Likewise human made laws, there is law of universe that applies to each atom in the universe. It has its own law and order for each atom. Universal law is beyond human awareness and imagination. Universal law has own rules which everyone follows willingly or unwillingly, consciously or unconsciously. Universe has no partiality and govern … Read more

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