Why do we Suffer ?

Before coming to any conclusion, first of all, we need to understand the law of nature and its protocol. No one is deprived of knowledge (Human Wisdom), Duties and Responsibility (Human Property) and actions (Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Dimension ).

This world is present in two ways appearing and disappearing.

When one part appears, second part disappears. Similarly, when we do good work, bad work disappear and when bad work appears, good work disappear.

Considering the above principle, when positivity appears, knowledge appears and ignorance disappear. Similarly, when negativity appear, ignorance appears and knowledge disappear. When knowledge appears, our wisdom appears and inspires our duties and responsibility for which actions are performed.

Knowledge gives wisdom to differentiate good and bad for work. It establishes our ethical, moral and spiritual values. It ensures our duties and responsibilities. It creates direction and understanding of the consequences. In absence of (Human Properties) when positivity disappears and negativity appears, person moves out the the core values of human property.

Our established values (right or wrong), propel us towards the action (mentally, physically and emotionally). Each person has to do action either by mental or physical or emotional.

Remember that

  1. No one is completely saint or completely demon. Each person has atleast one demon and one saint (property of nature). It means that no person can claim himself as completely saint or completely demon. Each person can become saint and demon as per its knowledge and human core values
  2. No person is free of four principle of natural – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual domain.
  3. Knowledge enlightens the established values of human that inspire for the work (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual) and according to our work , we receive our results.

Why bad people live happy and good people suffer?

Whatever we do as per our actions ( mental physical and emotional, spiritual), we get the results accordingly. Few results appear immediately whereas few results takes years. There are few results we get after death in various forms as per our actions.

Few people don’t believe in next life and spend their life without accumulating good deeds. Few people also don’t agree with the concept of good and bad. Remember that each act has different results either good or bad.
For example, after having meals we get immediate results, digestion gets results in hours and we get salary monthly for our services. Result of study comes on yearly basis and investment gives results in long term. Similarly, few actions gives results after death in various forms such as blessings, good deeds for others, name and fame, appreciation and gratitude by others, benefits to his family etc which contributes to his next birth.

There are four categories of people

  1. Some suffer in this life but enjoy later life – In this category, the people who did not earn deposit in previous life, so they are suffering and now they are accumulating deposit by their good deeds. Partial results they get in this life, and rest is carried forward for next life. Few people complain that why they are suffering instead of doing good deeds. There are three main reasons
    a. We define good and bad as per own perspective based on emotional, physical and mental domain. Sometimes, one thing can be good for us but bad for others and vice versa.
    b. All results does not appear at once like few cases takes years and years to declare verdict for physical and visible acts. But there is no provision for mental and emotional acts.
    c. There are few common error as mentioned below.
    Sometimes, people stuck in their wrong rituals like habits, belief, thoughts, foods, actions etc. They blame on others and condemn others. Sometimes they punish themselves by their own thoughts trap. While some suffer due to ignorance. Sometimes, it happens when we do not accept the truth by avoid the facts by Ego and Super ego.
  1. Some enjoy in this life but suffer in next life – in this category, people those earned in previous life are enjoying in this life without even doing efforts. Such people enjoy in this life but they suffer in next life as they are not doing actions.
    You must have heard about those who has done crime but still they are free and enjoying without any repent for that. They also come in this category as due to past deposits they escaped for time being but sooner or later they will suffer and will carry forward for next life.
  1. Some enjoy in this life and next life as well – Those who earned in previous life and also earning in this life are liable to enjoy for the next life in various forms.
    We cannot understand the law of nature and universe by our limited mind. Spirituality is the path to know the law of supremacy.
  2. Some suffer in this life and in next life – They are who neither earned in previous life and nor do they earn this this life. They believe that they cannot be punished.

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