Atonement is a purifier

Atonement is purifier of the self. It purifies our ego and superego. When we realize our fault we feel regretful and wants atonement from that sin. It makes balance between ego and superego. Atonement is a silent fire that burns ego and superego by realizing your mistake, misconduct, wrong thought patterns that hurt others and that embarrassed you.
Ego emphasizes on I-ness whereas Superego emphasize over like and dislike, do and don’t. Sometimes, under clutches of ego and superego, we commit disgrace act which we really don’t like from inside and even not prefer in any case, leads to the subject of atonement.

It protects us from big blunder and upcoming unwanted situation. It stops us to do big mistake. This is a opposite form of forgiveness. In forgiveness, we show compassion for others and does not punish them mentally, physically and emotionally. In atonement, we take forgiveness from others by realizing our mistakes and misconduct. By these two ways we make balance between our ego and superego. It feels us lighter and stress-free. This is another type of introspection wherein we observe, accept and show atonement.
This realization invoke intelligent mind because by this mind only a person can differentiate with invisible line of wisdom. An egoistic person attach oneself with others whereas a superego person is driven by his own mindset formed on like and dislike, do and don’t.

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