How do you cleanse yourself?

We all have energy and these energies attracts towards each other and sometimes catching unwanted habits, thoughts, emotions and get indulge in wrong acts knowingly or unknowingly. In other terms they are called negativity that inhabits our path of ascent. Sometimes people grow rich too fast but lack in other parts (read more on wealth health social and power). To cleanse them we have different occasions and different methods to cleanse them.

  1. Cleanse your soul – by introspecting we can see our stains imposed on our soul that has made dull light that has increased the darkness of ignorance. By introspecting, we may know ourselves and can remove them as well.
  2. Forgive the world – by forgiving others we can cleanse ourselves by lightening our burden not forgiving them. When we forgive or do not forgive what do we do exactly ? We actually do nothing but just keep a thought that we have not forgiven or have forgiven. By ignoring them, we can forgive them. A powerful person can only forgive others. A person who in power but does not have power to forgive, then, how could a person can be understood as the powerful man. A weaker person cannot forgive, he just compromise and accept to undergo by false forgiveness.
  3. Remember the God – prayer are our great words that realize our identity in front of GOD. Mantra is a specific sequence of words for a specific purpose that give desired results. When we chant prayer or mantra and repeat affirmations that creates a positive frequency of energy that attracts the similar energy and, thus, we get benefitted by the power of energy.
    By cleaning ourselves, we can keep ourselves at present and do not fall under the clutches of ego and superego (read more). It stays at present and in silence we enjoy our real life what we actually are. It is a cleansing method to cleanse yourself.

“We actually transform from one energy to another energy in a complex ways”


“Spiritual energy is the source of mental, physical and emotional energies”

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