How to get peace of mind in daily life

Peace of mind is a state of mental tranquility that many of us aspire to achieve in our daily lives. It is a state where the mind becomes silent, and the incessant chatter of thoughts is minimized. This sense of calm and relaxation is essential for our overall well-being and happiness. In this blog, we will explore the concept of peace of mind in simple and practical terms, focusing on how you can attain it in your daily life.

The Five Horses of the Mind

To understand peace of mind, we must first acknowledge that our mind is like a chariot driven by five horses, which represent our senses – sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. These senses can either lead us towards peace or turmoil, depending on how we manage them. Our mindset, control over our senses, and our attitude play a pivotal role in achieving peace of mind.


Your mindset shapes your perception of the world. If you constantly focus on negative thoughts or dwell on the past, you will find it challenging to attain peace of mind. On the other hand, a positive and present-focused mindset can lead you toward mental tranquility.

Control Over Senses

Your ability to control your senses is crucial for peace of mind. When you let your senses run wild, reacting to every external stimulus, it becomes difficult to find inner peace. Learning to manage your senses and not letting them control you is a significant step toward tranquility.


Your attitude toward life and its challenges can greatly influence your peace of mind. An attitude of acceptance, gratitude, and mindfulness can help you navigate the ups and downs of life with greater ease.

Inner Silence vs. Outer Silence

One common misconception is that peace of mind is solely reliant on external factors such as a quiet environment. While outer silence can undoubtedly support inner peace, it is not the sole determinant. Inner silence, the ability to calm the mind even in the midst of external distractions, is far more powerful.

Imagine sitting in a serene park with birds chirping and a gentle breeze blowing—the external conditions seem perfect for peace of mind. However, if your mind is racing with worries and thoughts, you may still struggle to find peace. On the other hand, you can cultivate inner silence and find tranquility even in a bustling city or a noisy environment.

Most Powerful Steps to Achieve Peace of Mind

Now that we understand the components of peace of mind, let’s delve into practical steps you can take to achieve it in your life.

1. Early Morning Practice

The early morning is a sacred time when the world is still waking up, and the noise and distractions of daily life are at their lowest. This is an ideal moment to embark on your journey to peace of mind. Find a serene and peaceful spot that resonates with you. It could be a nearby park where you can be surrounded by nature’s tranquility, a temple where you can soak in the spiritual atmosphere, or even a quiet corner of your own home where you can create a calming ritual.

Begin by setting aside a few minutes for reflection and meditation. Allow yourself to be fully present in this moment. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let go of the outside world. Focus on your breath and the sensations within your body. This practice of mindfulness will help you center yourself and establish a foundation for inner peace.

2. Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a potent technique for nurturing inner silence and achieving lasting peace of mind. It involves training your mind to be fully aware of the present moment without judgment. Regular practice allows you to become more attuned to your thoughts and emotions, enabling you to detach from them and find a profound sense of calm.

To begin, find a quiet and comfortable place to sit. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Then, bring your attention to your breath as it flows in and out. Notice the sensation of each breath without trying to change it. When your mind inevitably wanders, gently bring it back to your breath without self-criticism. Over time, you’ll find that this practice enhances your ability to stay grounded and peaceful, even amidst life’s challenges.

3. Control Over Senses

Throughout the day, our senses are bombarded by external stimuli, which can lead to stress and anxiety if we react impulsively. Developing control over your senses is a crucial step in maintaining inner peace. When you find yourself overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of life, take a moment to pause and breathe deeply.

During this pause, observe your senses without immediately reacting. Acknowledge the sensory input, whether it’s a loud noise, an irritating smell, or an enticing taste. By simply observing without judgment, you allow yourself to regain control and prevent these external stimuli from disturbing your inner peace.

4. Cultivating a Positive Mindset

A positive mindset is a powerful ally in your quest for peace of mind. It involves consciously choosing to focus on the positive aspects of your life and practicing gratitude. Take time each day to reflect on the things you are thankful for, no matter how small they may seem. This practice can shift your perspective and help you appreciate the richness of your life.

Additionally, challenge negative thoughts that may arise. Replace them with more positive and constructive ones. Over time, this mental reframing will become a habit, enabling you to approach life’s challenges with a more optimistic outlook.

5. Acceptance and Letting Go

A significant source of inner turmoil comes from our inability to accept that some things are beyond our control. Holding onto grudges, regrets, or anxieties can disrupt your peace of mind. It’s essential to practice forgiveness, both towards others and yourself.

Learn to let go of what no longer serves you. Accept that the past cannot be changed, and the future is uncertain. Embrace the present moment, as it is the only reality. By releasing the burden of the past and the worries about the future, you free yourself to experience peace and contentment in the here and now.

6. Disconnect from Technology

In today’s tech-driven world, constant connectivity can contribute to stress and restlessness. Consider setting aside specific periods each day to disconnect from your devices. Use this time to enjoy moments of solitude and peace.

Disconnecting from technology allows you to break free from the constant stream of information and notifications, giving your mind a chance to rest and recharge. Use this time to engage in activities that promote tranquility, such as reading a book, going for a walk, or simply sitting in contemplation.

7. Simplify Your Life

A cluttered environment often leads to a cluttered mind. Simplify your surroundings by decluttering your physical space. Identify items that no longer serve a purpose and let go of them. Organize your living space to create a sense of order and calm.

Additionally, prioritize your commitments and responsibilities. Overcommitting can lead to stress and overwhelm. Streamline your daily routine by focusing on essential tasks and activities that align with your values and goals. By simplifying your life, you create the space for peace of mind to flourish.

8. Seek Support

Finally, don’t hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or professionals if you find it challenging to attain peace of mind on your own. Sometimes, talking through your thoughts and feelings with someone you trust can provide clarity and relief. Sharing your struggles and seeking guidance from others can be a valuable part of your journey toward inner peace. In conclusion, achieving peace of mind is a holistic endeavor that requires commitment and practice. By incorporating these practical steps into your daily life, you can move closer to experiencing the profound tranquility and contentment that peace of mind brings. Remember that this journey is ongoing, and small, consistent efforts can lead to significant changes in your overall well-being and happiness.

9. Learn Forgiveness

We get hurts or angry when someone wrongs or treats us unfairly. It is a natural response. When we do not forgive, we actually do nothing. It is just a mental holding of something tied with our emotions and thoughts. When we forgive, we defocus on it, and our attention diverts to another side. By practicing slowly with small things, you can understand yourself and others too.

10. Connect to the nature

By staying connected to the nature, you can build peace of mind. You may spend few minutes in the park nearby you, or you can plan for a tour for 2-5 days on a regular basic. Listening Instrumental music is also another option to stay connected to the nature.

Time to stay to be silent

“When your words are insufficient to tell someone and he is unable to understand what you really are.”

“When your words can hurt someone and when you are the part of discussion wherein someone is condemning.”


Peace of mind is not an elusive concept but a state of being that can be attained with practice and conscious effort. It involves cultivating inner silence, controlling your senses, maintaining a positive mindset, and letting go of unnecessary baggage. While external factors can contribute to peace of mind, it ultimately comes from within.

The steps outlined in this blog into your daily life, you can gradually move toward a state of mental tranquility. Remember that achieving peace of mind is an ongoing journey, and it requires patience and perseverance. Start today, and you’ll find that peace of mind is a powerful ally in navigating the complexities of life with grace and serenity.

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