Journey of Life

Each person has his own journey what he starts when he takes birth in this physical world. He weaves his world as spider in forms of experiences what he gains in four human dimensions – Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual. He gains new experience daily and out of which few experiences disappear from the memory or should say shift to the unconscious level whereas few experiences store in his memories which gets faded as the time passes.

Each person has a timeline what we call as ‘LIFE’. In this timeframe, we experience different shades of life according to our indulgence and attraction towards the energy. We store the experiences what we gain with great difficulty, what has the vital role in our life, what has affected us badly. We also remember the good things that transform our energies and identity.

This human life is presented in seconds 00:00:00:00:00:00 in this format YY/MM/DD/HH/MM/SS. Each live each second at present only. Present in our life is a moment of second we are spending with specific energy that is recording our experience in their own format. Before each second (at present) everything is in future (indefinite seconds) which is going to become a second at present. Future is a set of unpublished seconds of life whereas past is a set of spent seconds of life in form of events, experiences, achievement etc. either positively or negatively.

Past is accumulated experiences of life which is formed through a complex system of Energy. Energy is the source of life and without knowing its nature and effects, we cannot understand our life better.

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