Fashion, Passion and Impression


We all are in a fashion (trend of life) to copy each other without knowing and thinking about it. Human has been a social animal and attracts the surprises. Fashion is a social trend of life which everyone wants to follow.

We need support for fashion when we do not have anything to cover ourselves. Fashion is not bad but to remain in its clutches where it drives your mind is bad because it distracts you from your goal. Fashion is used to make yourself beautiful and updated with the modern culture of life that shows we are running with the society norms and culture.

Fashion is not a true identity but it is a artificial ornament we use in absence of true identity. When we loose our true identity, we take support of such ideology that complies our identity. To some extent it is good to enjoy the social life but too much indulgence where you are not even aware of the real values. Fashion is outward decoration of life which keeps on changing according to time and situations. By indulging in outward shine, we often loose our inner real shine. Seldom people get able to make balance between outer shine and inner shine.

Inner shine is your innate qualities that does not require outward coverage and it stays for longer and longer. A person is known by inner personality not by outward personality. Fashion is a reflection of ego and superego where we identify ourselves as outward attributes.

Sometimes fashion invites tension and confusions as it keeps your mind outwardly and due to the attachment with the material pleasure gaining through fashion, our sense get tempted towards them. Our attention is our key to divert our mind. When we incline outside towards the sense gratification, we entangle in the clutches of false attributes such as fashion.


Fashion becomes passion due to focusing on outward values or avoiding inner core values. Everyone wants to superior to others by covering false attributes. In few case, it becomes passion and their life has no meaning just to live to fulfil their sense gratification. They don’t keep any goals.

They becomes so passionate that they assume it as reality and does not pay attention to core values of life. Advertising and social media is a global platform through which they invite people to share their feeling and to show the enjoyment you are missing.


This is another downside part of the fashion. Fashion creates passion, passion creates impression and impression creates depression. When a person does not find the true satisfaction and enjoyment from the false values of life what he wants, he gets disappointed and take support of addiction and other suicidal activities. He does not able to face himself as true as he is. Impression is a temporary satisfaction given to Mr. Ego.

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