The Source of Energy Lies Within Us

Supreme Source of energy governs, protects, directs, nurtures and ,above all, it keeps harmony within us automatically. We all have same energy and same power in the inner world but due to complex system of energy system, each person uses one’s own pattern that make him specific from other person. Internally, we all are designed in same way and we have same power from the supreme source of energy.


In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often forget the incredible wellspring of energy that resides within us. It’s a source of power that governs, protects, directs, and nurtures us, all while maintaining harmony within our beings. This energy, the Supreme Source of Energy, is universal and unending, beyond the realm of human imagination and capability. It’s a profound force that connects us all and holds untapped potential waiting to be harnessed. In this blog, we will delve into the practical aspects of understanding and accessing this internal source of energy, exploring how it shapes our lives and affects those around us.

The Supreme Source of Energy

To comprehend the Supreme Source of Energy, we must acknowledge its eternal and pervasive nature. It exists beyond the limits of human understanding and remains a profound mystery that science and technology are only beginning to unravel. While science may provide insights into the physical world, understanding this energy requires a different approach—a spiritual one that allows us to explore the depths of our inner selves.

Connecting with this source is a journey of self-discovery, where we can unlock the mysteries of human potential. By delving into our inner world, we can tap into this infinite source and bring about a positive transformation in our lives. Let’s explore how to connect with the Supreme Source of Energy by following these steps:

Understanding Energy

To harness the power within, we must first understand what this energy is. Energy, in its various forms, resides within us, waiting to be acknowledged and channeled. It’s essential to recognize that we are all connected, and our energies influence not only ourselves but also those around us. This interconnectedness amplifies the importance of recognizing and optimizing our energy.

How Energy Works

Energy is a dynamic force that operates in multifaceted ways. It flows through our bodies, minds, and spirits, impacting our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Learning how energy functions within us allows us to gain better control over our lives. We can direct this energy towards positive endeavors, improving our well-being and the world around us.

Availing Our Energy

Accessing this internal energy source requires conscious effort. It involves tapping into our inner reservoir of strength, resilience, and creativity. By acknowledging its existence and intentionally harnessing it, we can overcome challenges, achieve our goals, and lead more fulfilling lives. This energy becomes a wellspring of motivation and inspiration, propelling us forward.

Creating Harmony in Energy

We cannot imagine our life without energy. Energy is a source of life. We all have same energy that is connected to the supreme source of energy. Human energy has four dimension namely Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. No person is free from these primordial energies. They are the fuels within us through which we survive and evolve.

Achieving harmony within our energy is crucial for personal and interpersonal growth. When our inner energies are balanced and aligned, we radiate positivity and tranquility. This harmony not only benefits us but also has a ripple effect on our relationships and the world at large. By fostering a sense of equilibrium within, we can contribute to a harmonious and peaceful society.

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork for understanding the Supreme Source of Energy, let’s explore the various modes in which it manifests within us. Each energy has its own protocol and own results in human life.

Physical Energy

This is the energy which comes first in contact with the world. This physical energy perceive information through their five sense in the body. This energy send messages through mental energy to the third energy – Emotional energy. Without physical existence, our life is not possible. Physical action like working, eating, walking, etc. need physical energy.

Our physical bodies are a reservoir of energy. Maintaining good health through exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest is essential to optimize this aspect of energy. When we take care of our bodies, we feel more energetic and vibrant.

Mental Energy

Thoughts are the creation of mental energies. Without thoughts, our desires will not appear and our goal will not appear. All mental activities are performed by mental energies such as thinking, reasoning, articulation, planning, etc. This is the energy that connects the other two energies – physical energy and emotional energy.

Our thoughts and mental processes are powerful sources of energy. Positive thinking, mindfulness, and mental discipline allow us to harness this energy constructively. By managing our thoughts, we can overcome self-doubt and cultivate a positive mindset.

Emotional Energy

This energy connects and stores our experiences in forms of emotions derived from physical and mental energies. It inspires the other two energies to repeat the process again. This is a domain of desires from where our buried thoughts appear and thus this inbound process keeps on working microscopically.

Emotions are a potent form of energy that can either uplift or drain us. Developing emotional intelligence enables us to manage our emotions, respond to challenges gracefully, and foster positive relationships with others.

Spiritual Energy

This energy comes in practice when above three energies – Mental, Physical, Emotional – achieve balance. This energy connects us to the supreme source of energy. The prime function of this energy is to heel the imbalances among three energies and second function is to evolve to the higher stage to connect to the supreme source. Saint, Sage, Monk knew this secret of spiritual energy for which they practice by staying in silence, in meditation, by controlling their thoughts, emotions and actions.

Our spiritual connection is a profound aspect of the Supreme Source of Energy. Through meditation, introspection, and spiritual practices, we can tap into this spiritual energy, finding purpose, meaning, and inner peace.

Impact on Others

As we journey inward to connect with our internal source of energy, it’s crucial to recognize that our energy doesn’t exist in isolation. We are interconnected with the people and environment around us. Here’s how our energy affects others:

Influence on Relationships: Our energy profoundly impacts our relationships. Positive energy fosters healthier and more meaningful connections, while negativity can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings. By nurturing our inner energy, we can contribute positively to our relationships.

Social Impact: Beyond personal relationships, our energy radiates into the social fabric of our communities and society at large. When individuals collectively channel their positive energy, it can lead to societal transformations and a more harmonious world.


The source of energy lies within each one of us, waiting to be discovered and harnessed. This Supreme Source of Energy is universal, eternal, and interconnected, shaping our lives and influencing those we encounter. By understanding its various modes and learning to create harmony within ourselves, we can unlock our true potential and contribute positively to the world. Embarking on this journey of self-discovery is not only a personal endeavor but a collective one. As we tap into our internal source of energy, we become catalysts for positive change in our relationships, communities, and society. In doing so, we become living examples of the incredible power that resides within each of us.

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